About ICHS
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ICHSOur Vision
IMMACULATE CONCEPTION HIGH SCHOOL is an environment where goodness and honesty are exemplified and promoted, where excellence is encouraged and the potential of each individual is patiently nurtured, ensuring an enriching educational experience which in turn generates competent, virtuous and happy citizens.
Our Mission
We, the members of the Immaculate Conception High School family, inspired by the zeal and love of the early founders of this institution, are called to continue the important ministry of teaching which the Franciscan Sisters from Glasgow began in Kingston in 1858. We are committed to the total education of young ladies of high school age and seek to provide an enriching environment where Christian values are promoted and exemplified and where excellence is encouraged.
We believe that reverence for God, self, others and the environment is essential in today's society and we therefore dedicate our effort towards fostering this value which we hope will in turn generate competent, virtuous and happy citizens who will actively contribute to the general upliftment of people everywhere.
Our Aims and Objectives
To develop a well integrated person according to Christian values and principles to which, it is hoped a student will commit herself for life.
To assist each girl to acquire self-knowledge, self-acceptance, self-identity, self-control and finally self-achievement in the context of a Christian community and the Jamaican society.
To equip each girl with the necessary attitude, knowledge and skills to enable her to adapt herself and remain flexible in a rapidly changing society and world.
Our Values
Reverence for God
We value and promote reverence for God as Creator and Living Force, in and with us at every moment.
Reverence for Self
Recognizing ourselves as God's handiwork we are motivated to be dignified, responsible for our own well-being accepting of ourselves, self-discipline, joyful and good.
Reverence for Others
Beginning from the premise that God created all things good, we recognize the intrinsic value and potential of others and treat them with respect regardless of circumstances. This leads us to be compassionate, hospitable, forgiving and caring.
Reverence for Environment
We recognize that God has given us the wonderful gift of the world and that we are entirely dependent on the environment for every aspect of our existence. We therefore act out of the belief that it is vital for each person to help keep the air clean, the water pure and the land verdant and healthy.
Reverence for Honesty
In believing in the value of truth, we seek to promote purity of thought, word and deed in our everyday lives.